Monday, September 8, 2008

More treasures from Brimfield!

Sadly, the third and final Brimfield Antiques Show of the year has come and gone...but not before I grabbed some goodies! Yesterday was the last day of the show...AKA: Good Bargains Day. I've discovered that the best deals usually come from older gentlemen who leave most of their wares out in the rain. They're pretty nonchalant and will practically give their stuff gabbing them up a little bit never hurts and they often have some pretty interesting stories to tell!

Anyway, I got this really fabulous turquoises piano from a great guy with white hair for only $10!! It's about the length of a loaf of bread and really plays (luckily he didn't let this one get rained on)! Ben plays the piano so I told myself I was getting it for him. Even though it was really more like 80% for me and 20% for him. Still I think he appreciated it. I also found loads of vintage doll house furniture and mini animals. Baby blocks and old sweet faced dolls. Plus a doll in scary condition. I bought her just for her head and threw away her hair and was much too damaged to save. The white birdcage sits on top of our entertainment cabinet. And isn't that old miniature clock just fabulous?! You turn it with a key and it really works!

Some of these items I'll be selling in my vintage and supplies Etsy store this week. Go and check it out! :)


  1. great finds! i would love to go next time! :)

  2. One of my goals is to go to Brimfield. It sounds like and amazing show. Totally jealous and great finds. I love the piano and the little phone.

  3. my heart cannot take this-everything is so yummmy-singing and skipping-jo

  4. Oh I am itching for the NYC flea markets after seeing this.

  5. AHHHHHH!!! The piano!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! We too collect toy pianos!! FAAAVORITE things!!

    and the lil phone!!!! AHHHH!!!

    Just so much goodness!!!

    Great eye!!
    Great finds!!!

    lucky gal!

    xoxo Jenny


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal