Friday, March 27, 2009

Back from New York City!!

I had a great time in New York but am happy to be back in Boston in my cozy apartment! The show went great and I'm still just so thrilled that we were able to make it happen! You can watch the segment on Martha's website here.

The producers of the show and Martha's whole staff were so unbelievably nice and wonderful. They did a great job helping me outline the steps of the project and giving me tips when I was on air. The show aired live, but I tried not to think about that too much!!

Martha gave me a bit of a hard time about the tinsel and the dollar store...but it was all in good fun!

The pretty nests we made...

I stayed in Greenwich Village with my friend Dan (on the left) who was also in the audience and got to hold a bunny! He's a real character and it was great to have him along for the ride!

One of the best parts was seeing the craft studio and the set of the Martha Stewart show in person. They were amazing!!! The craft studio was stocked with every craft material imaginable all neatly organized and finished projects from the show and magazines were scattered about for inspiration. Loved it! And the set was so bright and warm. So cheery and inspiring! And they decorated it with a whole bunch of my little Easter characters!

And of course I must mention the reason for being there at all...the nest project! The directions and template for the armature are on Martha's website. It's a little bit of a challenging project, but it's so much fun once you get the hang of it!! I was so flattered that Martha wanted to share it on her show and she even is taking one to keep in her house!

So much fun and such wonderful memories made. :)


  1. Crystal, the show was so great! It was really exciting to see you on there. You seemed very at ease with the whole thing, I would have been shaking like a leaf! xo, suzy

  2. You looked awesome and did a great job! Martha is a bit intimidating, but you handled it like a pro. I feel so special to have one of your pieces.

    Thank You!

  3. When I was watching the show I was SO PROUD of did awesome. Great project to share as well. What a fun thing to actually experience the show as a guest too!

  4. I think you did a wonderful job of demonstrating the nest!

    I missed the end of the segment after the commercial though and she doesnt seem to have that part up on the website?

  5. Crystal, you were just darling on the show and looked so at ease, I really thought you must have been on TV before! I loved your craft too! Really fantastic! Suzie

  6. I loved watching you on Martha. I loved the nests so much I ordered one this morning. I'm so anxious to get it.

  7. Just looked you up after watching Martha - loved it!! Thanks for showing your art!

  8. I feel so happy and proud for you, Crystal; it's so great to see a fellow crafter/artist getting recognition, I do hope this is helping your business even more. (oh and gosh, you are so poised and natural on TV; brava!!)

  9. Wonderful job on Martha, the nests looked fantastic. Congratulations!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal