Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Post Easter Bliss....

The Easter Bunny has come and gone... but the fun isn't over! Right after Easter is the best time to buy fun Easter goodies for next year! I rarely find myself at chain retail stores due to their lack of originality and made in China-ness....however, after any given holiday I pop into stores like Target, Pier1, TJmaxx and Marshalls. They seem to have some cute vintagey decor for a little bit of money post holiday. I scored a whole bunch of carboard houses, including a barn, gazebo, sweet shop, flower shop and church. They are super cute...but made VERY poorly. It's a little hard to tell from the photos (the photo below is the most revealing), but the trim is falling off, the trees are terribly bent and the houses themselves are coming off their bases. I definately bought a town of fixer-uppers. No matter, I plan to redo them anyway. Cover over the plastic mica with real mica and replace the plastic flowers with vintage millinery ones. This will be a fun side project for next year...can't wait!

That poor house on the left is in real shambles. A little glue and glitter and it will be move-in ready in no time! :)

My mom and I went shopping together and we found two sets of three trees and split them. These trees are actually really nice and well made...perfect colors too. That cast iron basket with glass egg is probably my favorite find. It came from a beautiful store near my parent's house in Saratoga, "Schuyler Pond". The owner is a real sweetie and when we came in the day before Easter she gave us everything for half off! Yay!

Hmmm....yummy. Like candy but better.

This wooden tree is from a vintage shop. It's not old, but it sure is cool!

And look at what I found! These hungry babes were in my Easter basket! My mom sculpted them just for me. They now perch in the branches of my geranium.

I love Easter and also love the fact that Easter fun can extend at least a good week beyond the actual holiday itself with all of the treasures still to be found. Like Easter egg hunting but better! :)

1 comment:

  1. laurie magpie ethelApril 22, 2009 at 7:48 PM

    I scored a bunch of those Easter houses as well. I redid a bunch last year and sold them at Christmas - flip that house! (Martha had a line of them a couple of years ago at Macys during the holidays) I agree they are really poorly made!
    Your moms creations are amazing...I see where you get your talent! Off to what sounds like a great sale tomorrow - cross your fingers!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal