Friday, June 19, 2009

My very first Official Estate Sale!

This morning I dared to venture out and attempt to combat the fierce competitive game that is the "estate sale". Well...maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but I was intimidated. I don't know proper estate sale etiquette and was fearful of offending someone or perhaps not being swift enough to capture the vintage prizes I was after. wasn't so hard after all, although it's still a bit intimidating! When you go, they hand out numbers (first come first serve) and let you in based on your number once the sale starts. This is to avoid a crazed mob entering and practically looting the house. Piles of people gather at the door anxiously awaiting and complaining how it wasn't fair that they didn't get a lower number. I arrived plenty early because I really wasn't sure what to expect. I was number 3 so I got in right away (yippee!), although I think everyone got in right away. I made a bee line to basement where they had advertised Christmas ornaments, praying they were vintage and good quality. It didn't take me long to spot them...and they were vintage! I sifted through three big boxes and quickly filled the bag I had with me. A man came over and started looking through the box too. I felt my animal instincts kick in. I was afraid he would grab some amazing thing that was right at my finger tips. I wanted to snarl and bite his arm...but I refrained. Luckily the lot didn't interest him and he left. So silly I know...but it's part of the fun of the hunt I guess!

I have to say that I was inspired to go to a REAL estate sale (not the second day ones on Saturday that are basically a picked over indoor garage sale) by Laurie from Magpie Ethel. She is the estate sale queen and she displays all of her fabulous finds on her blog. Thanks Laurie for the encouragement! :) the good part. Here's what I found:

Vintage dolls all dressed up, an old steiff looking spotted lion, an aque blue alarm clock and matching hand vase (with broken and poorly glued back on finger), little butter pats with pond lily transfers, a vintage flower sifter, tiny birds nest with chicks and mom, scarf, two neat belts, a leather camel with rider, a pretty handmade pot holder, funky double ended bud vase, several rhinestone brooches and a stack of little towels that match my logo!

The Christmas items where fabulous too! TONS of blue bead garlands, old wax head angels, tiny flocked deer, elves galore, a good supply of long skinny blue glass ornaments, and more!

I paid a little more than I wanted...and this was after I talked down the price, but it was well worth the time, effort and moola! :)


  1. I think you got some great stuff and will now want to go to more sales! It is addictive so be careful!
    Take care, Laura

  2. did an awesome job for being a newbie at estate sales...and you are soooo right Laurie at Magpie Ethel is the Queen of Estate Sales...I always drool when I see her goodies, she is the best...keep up the good work and make Laurie proud...happy hunting! have a honey of a night - sweet dreams! grace & peace 2 U, Marlene

  3. I am so proud of you venturing into the crazy world of estate sales and it looks like you hit a good one. #3 to get in was GREAT WORK...the early bird does catch the worm! Love how your animal instincts kicked in when the man approached the boxes you were going through...and thank goodness you didn't bite his arm!!! Really, really happy you hit a good one - it is a fun but crazy, addictive world...wait until you become one of the "regulars"! Loving the blue glass scored on that!

  4. Thanks for the flag image .... now I've just got to get out my twine, and I have some decor to take to my mom's!!
    I had to laugh at your estate sale comments. YES! I DO want to hit/bite at people who are touching or looking at things I MIGHT want .... hee hee hee!
    Laurie is indeed the queen of sales -- she is a super role model to us all!
    Happy Hunting!
    Betty :)


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal