Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Treasures from up North and Green Window Washing

This past Sunday I ventured up North a ways to visit a flea market several people have told me about. It's a little farther than I normally like to travel for a single destination, but I just had to see what the fuss was all about. A friend of mine advised me to go early. This was easier said than done, seeing that a comfy bed and me getting up before 8:00 on a weekend are an unlikely combination. On Sunday I forced myself up at 7:30 and was out of the house by 8. I arrived at the flea market by 9:00 and thought I had plenty of time to shop (9 is early, right?). Well...low and buddy meant EARLY. The market opens at 5 and vendors started packing up their wares before 11! I did manage to nab a few neat things before they were tucked away into uhauls and truck beds.

I found 4 beautiful millinery hats from two separate ladies...3 of them are covered in mint condition millinery flowers...gorgeous! I always buy them thinking I'll pull the flowers off to use elsewhere, but I can never bring myself to ruin a perfectly good, granted long out of style, hat. You may find these in my Vintage from Crystal etsy store for a really good price...

I also found an old chippy paint squeegee. It was only a quarter and has inspired me to clean the windows in my house (something I don't do nearly enough!). I don't like using harmful chemicals like windex, which has ammonia in it, so I looked online and found a wonderful and easy window washing solution that works great without the nasty chemicals: 1/2 cup white vinegar + 1 tbsp liquid dish soap (like dawn or joy). Swish it around in a spray bottle (I used an old windex bottle I had from forever ago). Spray on windows and rub around with a wash cloth then wipe clean with another wash cloth (I used an old towel for the multiple windows and of course my squeegee...which was fun, but probably not necessary). It worked like a charm! Almost no streaks! And best of all...not harmful to me or the little spiders in my window boxes!

Back to the vintage goodies...I also picked up a cute little cubby unit with a drawer in a beautiful mint color along with a little vintage deer and a snail candle holder...I love them displayed just how they are in the photo! The little tiny baby is a gift for my mom when I see her this weekend. I loved sifting through boxes and boxes of vintage jewelry...look at the brooches I found for a song! I'm wearing the leafy one with the green beads as we speak! I'm also excited about the pair of vintage camping forks I found. They are long with wooden handles and metal prongs...perfect for veggie dogs and marshmellows over the fire this summer! And there were for me and one for Ben. Can't wait to use them!

I also picked up an entire tin bucket filled with vintage glass knobs and drawer pulls for only 10 bucks! The repros I always fawn over at Antropologie are $6 a piece! This was definately the best find of the day. At the last minute I also found this not too terribly old piggie pitcher. He's very sophisticated...don't you think? He'll be great for iced tea this summer.

Thanks for looking and listening...I always love sharing my finds with you all! What fab treasures have you found recently? I'd love to hear about them! :)


  1. I know what you mean about the hats--I've had one on the corner of my desk for 2 months now. I just can't bring myself to pluck them off!

    Why doesn't anyone start a flea market for night owls? There is a million dollar idea.....

  2. hi crystal ~

    so glad you're coming to my mermaid tea ~ it's going to be so much fun!

    lol ~ i tell my friends if they want to join me to flea, to be at my house by 6:30. if i'm really serious about finding something, i'll leave by 5:30. only once have i actually made it there when it opened at 5, and it was so dark. i always manage to come home with treasures!

    xo heidi

  3. Good finds! Luckily my internal clock gets me up early so I don't miss the worm...but 9 a.m. is still EARLY! I love that cute little cubby...perfect to display your finds and creations.


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal