Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween Giveaway!

It's giveaway time! Leave a comment (I'd love to hear about your favorite Halloween childhood memory) on this post and you'll be entered to win Mrs. Halloween Fairy Witch. She's the good housekeeping witch of Halloween and only casts spells to help you with cooking, cleaning and making sure the kids behave! She's about 6" tall (one of my larger pieces) and she hangs from a long ribbon and looks like she's flying! And she just might be flying into your home! I'll pick a winner next Tuesday night (Oct. 20th).


  1. Me, Me, Me, I want a good housekeeping witch for my home......

  2. Mrs. Halloween Fairy Witch is delightful! Fingers and toes crossed. :)

    My favorite Halloween memory is of how my Mom used to spend months sewing my brother and I these elaborate handmade costumes each year - we always had so much fun in them! My favorite was the year that we were both Jawas (from Star Trek).


  3. At this point in my crazy life I need a fairy witch to help me keep life in order...she really should fly to my house and help me out....cuteness as usual dear!

    In elementary school I was a robot - basically a huge box spray painted silver with my arms out of it - very hard to walk in and hard to run in when the neighborhood bullies showed up to take our candy. Couldn't run so just hunkered down in my box and screamed until they left. Those silly boys...i showed them.

  4. Love that fairy witch! I do believe she just whispered "I belong to yoooooooooou" in my ear...


    My favorite Halloween memories: My birthday is a week before Halloween and my sisters is 2 days after. Every year we would have a combined pre-halloween dress-up party with all of our family and friends. So much fun! We got to do Halloween twice each year. Who could ask for more? :)


  5. oh, and Laurie... your hunkering-down, screaming robot box story just made me laugh so hard! :)

  6. When I was a kid, we lived in the country and there were only a handful of houses where I could go trick or treating. One year, some family friends suggested we go to TOWN and go Trick or Treating in an actual neighborhood. I couldn't believe how my bucket filled up so quickly! But, then I noticed that once my bucket got about half full, people would only give me on little piece of bubble gum. That's when I decided to dump my bucket in the car at the end of each block. Then, people felt sorry for me and gave me a handful! Yea! The funny part of this story is that I was not a greedy child and I was very polite and always said thank you and never asked for or expecteded anything from anyone. My parents said that it was completely out of character for me to do that! I guess the Halloween excitement got to me! Not to mention the sugar! *Love your fun creations so much!*

  7. My birthday is in October and my favorite Halloween memory is the year we had a giant birthday party in the garage on Halloween and we bobbed for apples and everything.
    Thanks for reminding me of that.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
    Cari b.

  8. My parents used to take us to the rich neighborhoods to get the good candy;-)

  9. One year, my best friend and I made ourselves giant crayon costumes. We were sophomores in high school. Hahahaha!! DORKS.

  10. I adore this one, Crystal!~~~My fave Halloween memory is when my mom pulled together costumes for us pretty fast as it had looked like rain, but it didn't rain, and we got to go trick or treats. Mine was black apron used as a cape with a witches wart (eyeliner) on my nose and my hair ratted out. My brother's costume was crazy. Mom put an old Beatle's wig (which stuick out al over the place) on him with a Spiderman mask. Inventive, Mom!~~~XXOO, Beth

  11. Oh how lovely she is!
    I found you on Etsy first and just came across your blog :)

  12. crystal, thanks for the chance to win this fabulous orni! My favorite Halloween was actually 2 years ago- not childhood. I cried when I took my daughter out and she was such a big girl going to the doors with the other kids! So sweet! xo natalea

  13. She is adorable!!Trick or treating on marshall street

  14. She is simply fabulous! I could use all the help I can get with my housework....

  15. Oh My!!!!I would love to win your adorable Halloween witch! My favorite memory would most certainly have to be dressing up and going trick or treating! I never wanted to be anything but a pretty fairy or princess. I drove my brother nuts because he always thought I would be a much better "witch"!!! Must be my temperment!
    Happy Halloween!

  16. Wow, do I ever NEED a housekeeping witch. She needs to do battle with some ferocious dust rhinos.

    I love how sweet Halloween seemed to be when we were younger (rather like your sweet and whimsical work). This is only my opinion, but I don't care for all the gory and bloody stuff I see now...yuck. Also, I crack up when I see photos of me as a child going out trick or treating in a pretty fairy costume...with my wooly winter coat sleeves sticking out of it, because my mom made me wear it!

  17. Fave Halloween Memory... the annual sorting of the candy "loot" and enjoying "haunted houses" in neighbor's garages! Your fairy witch is most swell. -Amy Bauer

  18. Oh boy! A giveaway! My favorite posts on blogs! HEHEHEHEH

    My favorite halloween memory has got to be the year my mom gave my older sister a Halloween Themed birthday party. She got the gurley candles, the crepe paper favor baskets, the ruffled crepe horns, the party hats, the dennison decor. I was all of 5 or 6 and it was then I think I got bitten by the holiday bug.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So cute! Your work is always so amazing!

    My favorite Halloween memory has to be the year my sister and I were witches. Halloween was at the end of a hurricane that year. My grandmother had made our costumes and I can remember my dad driving us to her house in the rain so she could see us dressed up. This was after we had already trick or treated so we were kinda wet!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal