Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hope for Haiti Ebay Auction

There are so many unfair events and situations that happen in this world, some on larger scales than others. I count my blessings every day that I have the things in life that make me happy. So many of the people in Haiti are currently struggling to count their own blessings after the horrific earthquake that destroyed so much of their world. It's important to help our neighbors in this time of need and so I'm auctioning off this large once of a kind figure along with the two children she's holding. The children together hold up a sign that says "hope".

100% of the winning bid will go to the Red Cross Haiti relief effort. If you haven't made a donation or would like to make another donation, think of these cuties as a thank you gift. The people of Haiti would certainly thank you if they could. If you prefer to make a straight donation, please visit the Red Cross website or text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 (most of you already know that...but just in case some of you haven't heard). Thank you so much!


Back At Ya Babe said...

She is darling! Love it.

VintageCrafter said...

You are so thoughtful and kind Crystal! I'm off to view your auction. I hope it raises a pile of money for Haiti!

theresa said...

Good luck with it! The colors on this piece are awesome! YOu are sweet!