Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Magpie Ethel Awesomeness!

I am just loving Laurie from Magpie Ethel's fabulous Valentine's Day characters! I bought a couple from her Etsy shop and we also did a swap. I was so excited when I got her package in the mail (she uses the prettiest packing tape) and am continuing to enjoy these cuties now.

This pretty lady has the key to my heart!

Laurie had a bunch of these sweet ornaments, all with different faces. It was hard to choose! But I think I made the right choice. This long locked blondie has an adorable face.

I have her hanging in my Valentine's Day tree.

This pretty lady looks like she staking her claim to the perfect spot for a romantic picnic.

Love the flakey pink ornament.

And Laurie spares no detail! Most of these pretty extras are already hanging on my inspiration board. And those awesome honey comb balls are going to be used in some special project. Thanks Laurie! :)

And I'll leave you with a sneak peek at the piece I'll be auctioning off on Ebay starting tomorrow with all proceeds going to help the people of Haiti. Check back in! :)


  1. Looks like the girls are quite at home with you! Thanks again for the little gal you made is giving you a happy wave!

  2. Lucky Girl!!! I have one of hers coming my way too--I could not resist one of her GIANT HEAD spun cotton girls.
    Long live the spun cotton lovers!!!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal