Friday, July 16, 2010

I Love You Magic

Magic - Sept. 1993 - July 7, 2010

Magic, I can't count all the ways I love you. From the very first time I saw you in the hay mow on Halloween when I was 9 years old, I knew you had to come home with me...spitting and growling and all. It didn't take long for us to become friends and since then you've been my best friend unconditionally. Whether I felt fulfilled or lonely, you've always been there with your sweet meow, soft fur and infinite cuddles. You were such a big part of my world and my heart and I find it hard to be here without you. Even that last night as I held you in my arms, listening to you purr as we drifted off to sleep, I was in heaven with you. With any luck, perhaps I'll see you again someday. Until then, my heart will hold the magic you brought to me throughout my life.

I love you Magic.


  1. Omg, Crystal! So sad; my cat was also 17 when she died and even though that was about 6 years ago now I still miss her. I know you must be doing some serious grieving right now, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. Crystal, I am so, so sorry you lost your beautiful cat. It really hurts your heart. There is such an ache there. My cat of 17 years died in my arms, and I cried and cried. They fill such an important part in our life.
    Your message was precious and filled with sweet memory.
    Mary B.

  3. So sorry. Magic was with you a long time. What a beautiful girl... and friend to you. There must be a very big hole in your heart today.

    Truly sorry for your loss and hope that another kitty will find its way into you heart in the future. It is easy to see from the photo how caring you are.

  4. Oh I have tears in my eyes, Crystal! I am so sorry.... since you were 9??!! My condolences and thoughts to you during this sad time. Magic will always be with you, I know, and will be there to meet you one day again.

  5. Oh Crystal, I am so sorry for your loss, what a beautiful kitty. I know how hard it is to have an animal so long, they truly are a part of your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Terri

  6. Awww.....this brought chills to my arms.

    I'm so sorry. Our pets come to be like true family members, and for you to have had her since you were a little girl even made Magic more precious.

    I like to think we'll meet our animals again someday in Heaven.


  7. oooohhhhh.
    i am so sorry.
    so sorry.

  8. I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose a dear friend.

  9. crystal, i am so very sorry, losing a pet is so hard.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Crystal. I lost my Luci back in March and I found this quote: Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. —Anatole France.

    Keep that Magic part of your soul with eyes wide open.


  11. So Sorry for the Loss of Magic ~ I just found your blog, I think I came thru Maija's Blog ~ Love Your Art, Your Blog but so sorry to see such a sad post.....

  12. Oh Crystal ~ I'm sorry to hear this sad news. She was a lucky kitty to find you, you have such a loving sweet nature.
    Hugs my friend ~
    xo Heidi

  13. 17I am sorry to hear about Magic. I lost my baby Captain on July 3rd this year. He was 15 years old. I am heartbroken, but my memories of him have gotten me through these past few weeks. Reading your post tonight reminded me that we are not alone, and there are people like us out there who love our pets like best friends.

  14. it is losing a child, which is the hardest things anyone can ever do.
    But, life does go on and they are always there with us, even if others cannot see them. We know them and know they love us always unconditionally.

    there will be more loves in your life, but Magic will never be replaced. Your love for that very special cat will be added to the love you will feel for your future "cat kids"

  15. I know Magic meant the world to you Crystal..... I loved the "Magical" stories you shared with me and those sweet memories will live on forever..... OH, how dear our pets are in our lives ~ I am so very grateful for all the moments shared with our furry loved ones. They truly make our lives so much sweeter......

    In honor of Magic.....
    ~ Johanna

  16. Dear Crystal,
    I'm very sorry to read this!
    What a beautiful cat Magic is!
    I also just lost my 19 year old cat.
    I emailed you about him before I came across
    this post.
    I am trying to remember how much Chesterfield
    gave to us, and that we gave him all that we could.
    It's so difficult to lose a little friend in your pet.
    Thank you for sharing your experience with everyone.
    Again, what a beautiful cat!



Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal