Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Day!

Today was a very happy day! Because it was my very happy birthday! It's just after midnight and as I reflect on the day I'm smiling big!

Ben had the day off and bright and early in the morning was up and making chocolate chip pancakes for me...yum! Then after doing a few chores he whisked me away to the local Arboretum (where all the fancy trees live!) and we walked on wide paths and narrow paths and no paths whatsoever, all the while collecting fallen and forgotten twigs and sprigs of pine to make my holiday wreath for this year.

It was such a gorgeous Boston day! Brisk, but sunny!

And look at all we collected! I think I could make two or three wreaths! There are some unusual species of conifers and hemlocks in there too.

And what's in here? Well I'll show you next week when we get back from visiting Ben's family in New Jersey and NYC. After the Arboretum we went to the Cambridge Antique Center. Four stories of old goodies. I found some great stuff! Stay tuned for that!

After a great movie (Harry Potter...I always love the houses with all of the funny knick knacks, the London and countryside scenery, and the interesting clothing) and a yummy dinner, I'm home and very happy. :)


  1. Sending a great big birthday wish your way! Sounds like you had a wonderful day! XO

  2. happy, happy b'day crystal! You look like a wood nymph doing an enchanting dance there! So sweet! Oh happy day for you!

  3. Happy Birthday, Crystal! I can't believe you were at the antiques center yesterday ... I was at the fabric store across the street and made the very tough decision to pass on a visit there!

  4. Happy Birthday and many more! I wish I knew where in NY you were, cause you are always welcome to come for a visit here at the Jersey Shore!

  5. Belated Birthday Greetings!
    My birthday was November 24 as well! Your day was definitely more magical than mine, but still, birthdays are fun.I enjoy your wares!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal