Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 9 of Twelve Days of Christmas

Today was a bake and make day! I baked all morning and made gifts all afternoon! My kind of day! I love those thumb print cookies with the hershey Grandmother used to make them and now I'm making them for her! ...And myself... I already ate 5 today! And the fruit filled cookies were requested by Dad. They are quite time consuming to make, but he's worth it! I hope your day was filled with sugar plums and honey buns too! :)


  1. Yummy, I think the fruit filled cookies look Wonderful, Is it a Secret recipe???? I have loved the photos of your decorating the past few days....
    Have a great Christmas

  2. oh what a spread! They all look so delish! You stopped at only 5? What will-power! Merry Xmas Crystal!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal