Saturday, March 26, 2011

All Grown Up!

I can't believe they're almost a year old! Sophie and Paige came into our lives right after our beloved kitty, Magic, left us for good. They've been wonderful and funny companions and they've gotten so big! Although Sophie, seen here lounging on the couch (I didn't put her there like that, I swear), is huge compared to her tiny sister, Paige. Sophie is certainly the playful one...the clown who talks in trills and purrs and loves paying fetch while I'm trying to work. Paige, below, is the quiet one. Reserved and very regal. She cuddles with me in my studio when no one else is looking. And they both sit on command! Maybe next year I'll teach them to roll over.

We love them both so much and this is our declaration! :)


  1. They are beautiful kitties! We have two also.. and I adore them.
    have a great weekend

  2. They are the most beautiful felines!
    What a JOY to have for your own!
    Blessings to all of you! Adore your art with spun cotton-I have purchased two of them, LOVE them!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal