I think it's been ages since I've spent this much time away from the computer! Of course it helps when I have very poor internet signal in my crafty tower. Ben will fix that soon. Anyway...I wanted to show you a few photos I snapped real quick of the goings on in my workspace.
I've been able to get some of my wholesale orders started, finished and out the door, which I'm very happy about. All the while still unpacking and unpacking and unpacking. Half the studio boxes are still untouched!
Except by Paige...
Here's a little sneak peek of part of my new setup. The kitchen island from the old kitchen will have a new home as a work table...hopefully always to remain clear (we'll see how that goes, as you can tell from photo, not good so far, lol). It's so exciting having way more space to spread out. I can't wait to show you all the before and after photos...once the tornado has cleared and an acceptable after photo can be taken. :) Until then...
More space, more clutter?
ReplyDeleteI need more space... or is it less clutter?
Have fun in your wonderful new studio!
Oh! the joy of having a wonderful space to call your own for creating. Enjoy!!! Maureen
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that you are settling in nicely! Your craft space looks amazing!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThe stork delivering the baby is so lovely!