Friday, September 23, 2011

Bridal Hair Pieces

Having just gotten married, I have a new found appreciation for all things bridal. It's an occasion where it's ok to go all out and think about the finest details, especially what a bride wears when she walks down the aisle. I made the head piece for my own wedding, a burst of glass glitter stars shooting up the side of my head. It was fun to think up and fun to make.
About a week ago, another bride purchased a cake topper and then asked me if I ever made bridal pieces for the hair. Why not? I have tons of wonderful materials to use and I've already practiced on my own wedding.
After giving me some guidelines, I came up with this pretty piece. Just a few different materials come together (including some feathers from Levi, one of my parakeets) to create something so pretty. I love how it came out and just wanted to share it with all of you.

This is my starburst, post wedding after I yanked some of the glitter off with my hair. It looks much better on a head than by itself.

Maybe I'll make some more just for fun. :)



Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal