Thursday, January 5, 2012

Are you drowning in Christmas Wrapping Paper and Don't Know What to DO?

Have way too much Christmas wrapping paper left over from the holidays? Tired of just throwing that expensive paper in the trash? Are you left wondering what to do? Well, do I have a solution for you!

Ok ok...I guess I'm not exactly doing an infomercial here, but I had a light bulb moment after cleaning up the messy living room after the Christmas onslaught of ferocious present opening: Why not recycle the big garbage bag full of paper into packaging material?!

Ok, so it doesn't take a genius to think of something like this and I'm sure I'm far from the first one who's thought of it, but I decided to put my $2 garage sale paper shredder to work! I keep a giant box near the packaging station in my studio and every time there's a party or a package that comes in the mail or whatever the case may be where I end up with some tissue paper or whatever, I throw it in the box. I buy packing paper in bulk as well...but why not reuse something that's still perfectly good? So I filled my big box to the brim with pretty shredded wrapping paper!

Anyone who's looking forward to my Valentine's Day update in a week or two can also expect to open a box filled with a little piece of Christmas from the Sloane home! (Oh yeah...I forgot to put that on my New Year's resolution change my name already!)

Happy Shredding!


  1. Great idea..but my Christmas wrap is long, long gone in the recycling bin. Will have to remember this tidbit next year! Smart cookie!

  2. 8, 2012 at 9:00 PM

    Thank you for that inspiration. I am going out this week to buy me a paper shredder. Thanks Crystal!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal