Friday, July 20, 2012

The Hunt was ON!

For the past little while I've been too busy doing things around the house to do much treasure hunting...but this past weekend Ben and I did a little snooping - here and there...and at Brimfield!

Last week Ben had a day off and wanted to go hiking up north. On the way we passed one of my favorite antique stores and of course I urged Ben to stop. I hardly made a dent, but I did leave with some goodies. Last Saturday we went to a big annual neighborhood garage sale and there we also brought home some things. On Sunday we made the trek out to Brimfield...which is farther away now than it was when we lived in Boston (boohoo). I was reserved for the most part...but since we went on was the land of the dollar tables! And in some cases, the 50 cent or 25 cent tables...whoohoo!

The kinds of things I've been on the look our for lately? House stuff. Maybe a little boring...but it's better than shopping at Home Depot. I found a brass outlet plate for 10 cents. Some hook locks for the aviary. Some tiny knobs for the hallway table thingy that Ben's aunt gave us. Brackets for the end table shelves in the guest room (photos still to come). And it's really hard for me not to buy more silverware. I use real silver everyday (well...does silver plated count?).

This was a little bit of a splurge...a golden walnut shell locket that opens up into a tiny sewing case. So cute!! It's a little big, but I may try to make it into a necklace...we'll see.

Tiny frames...the fancier the better. All super cheap and will hold some of our family photos. I keep a box of various frames in the basement for when we get a great new photo or sometimes to give as gifts. These will go into the box for now.

I have one of these already...but this one has different tips. I guess I need to make a cake to decorate now!

And of course I've always got my eye trained for shiny old Christmas goodies! I found some great things at Brimfield - including these wonderful sprigs and flowers.

Corsages and other things.

I love the little spun snowmen! The crepe paper is old and those glass ornaments are destined to become rockets.

I still collect milk glass...but I'm a little more picky about which pieces I buy. I use them all over the house and this pretty little container with a lid was hard to pass up...especially for just a buck!

Little wooden characters...I always love these!

This is a real treasure. It's probably close to a hundred years old and the paper mache ball opens up into a cute!

I really love these old wax paper bows. According to one of my ornament books...people made these at home for their presents and to hang on their trees. There's a really nice, different kind of quality to them. I almost never see them anywhere, but I do have two more already in my collection. I bought a bunch of things from this one guy and he threw this little bow in for free (and also the little piggy you'll see a few photos down)! Yippee!

Some Easter goodies and some toys. The little horse bucks his legs when you squeeze the red ball. The cat and the fiddle clips are just like ones I wore when I was a kid. With so many baby girls in the family, someone is bound to leave my house with these beauties in their hair one day!

I couldn't resist the graphics on the cover of this book...and I'm a sucker for animal stories too...

Two very different looking animal figures, but both equally as endearing!

Legos before plastic was invented...

Some crafting goodies.

I usually have good luck with vintage millinery at Brimfield...this time was no exception.

...But I was also lucky enough to find some cool feather millinery. Love it!

Ben and I were walking down the street to a little cafe near our house for breakfast. A sweet old guy was having a sale on his front lawn and he was selling figurines by the collection. I probably wouldn't have picked up those tiny vases...but they are really starting to grow on me. And I love the glass scottie...he's pretty heavy!

And last but not least, at one of the Brimfield dollar tables, I picked up this adorable little piano jewelry box because it reminded me of Ben...who I really love listening to when he plays his piano (which was actually cheaper than this little tiny one if you can believe it!).

A great week for antiques for sure! :)


  1. Bucket list to hit Brimfield one of these years...glad you found some goodies.

  2. such a good haul! i love the christmas corsages! and that book! is it a jr. deluxe edition? the cover looks like it, I'm trying to collect all of those, i've got 20 so far.

  3. You found some really wonderful stuff.... good for you ! I think the walnut locket is my most fav of all however - that was a very special find !!

  4. Especially fond of all of the Christmas finds! My great-grandmother made waxed paper stars like that. I have the directions somewhere ... the folding is easy; I've never tried the dipping and glittering part. I'll try to remember to post those sometime.

  5. Lisa - The walnut locket was my favorite too...It was more than I really wanted to pay, but I haggled the guy down a bit and I think it was very well worth it! :)

    Barbara - Oohhh how special to have some from your own Grandmother! I wonder what they dipped them in? Wax? Did they actually use wax paper to begin with? I've made the gift bow stars before with brown paper...they are easy, just time consuming. Maybe I'll make some out of wax paper. If you remember your grandmother's "recipe", please do let me know! :)

  6. You found some great things as always! I've got to make a trip to Brimfield one of these days.

    I always buy vintage bricks and construction sets since my hubbie is an architect. I just bought a plastic bag full of those same bricks you got last week. I left them on the table and everyone has had fun building!

  7. Ooohhh...Mary great minds think alike! My blocks were the start of hopefully an extensive collection. I can maybe built a little outhouse or something with the amount I have now, lol. Ben wants our future children to have lots and lots of legos...and I couldn't agree more! :)


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