Thursday, December 13, 2012

Taking a small break...

At lunch time today I went outside for a bit with Winnie.  It's been a while since I've had a garden fresh salad and it was perfect day for picking.  We don't have any tomatoes or cucumbers...but the spinach is still hanging on and I had way more than I needed for a portion.

It's incredible to think that it's almost Christmas and the garden still has treasures to reap.  For many of you out there with mild winters or no winters at all, it may not seem all that amazing.  But upstate New York has harsh weather and the landscape is usually quite put to bed by December.  It's only snowed a little here so far, so nothing is covered up, however even today at midday the brussel sprouts were white with frost...but still promised to be flavorful and crisp (we had some the other night...yum!).

The kale and the sprouts are still waiting to be picked.  I know the sprouts can be dug out of the snow any time during winter...but I should bring in the rest of the kale before it snows heavily...maybe I will after the New Year...

Thank you nature!!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal