Friday, April 25, 2014

Hot off the Press!

 Ben and I recently had the pleasure of being a part of this amazing Japanese magazine called "Little Thing".  They did an interview and a beautiful three page spread complete with photos and adorable graphics, like the Red Riding Hood ribbon borders!  Even though I sort of know what the interview says...I do wish I could read it straight from the magazine, but alas, it's gibberish to me.  Beautiful gibberish that I'm not quite clever enough to understand!  

They don't sell this magazine on newstands here in the US, but they do have available at this website:

I highly recommend ordering a copy, you'll be hooked!  It's absolutely gorgeous and chock full of amazing images and inspiring objects and collectibles.  It's thick and will entertain you for some time just looking at the photos.  If you can speak Japanese...bonus.  Little Thing magazine.

 At the same time, we also had the pleasure of having our little peacock pictured in the popular German magazine, Petra.  He goes quite well with the sophisticated objects he's pictured with. 

A fine day in the media I say!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome magazine spread! Went to go see about ordering a copy and the link says they are sold out. Dang! I don't read Japanese but those photos look wonderful. Congrats! Good luck at the CL Fair too!


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