Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Olive Photo Shoot!

Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen?!  I mean sure, I'm her mom...but come on!  I melt everyday!  Ben took these adorable photos for Mother's Day...Olive is 4.5 months old...sigh...I feel like she's always been here, yet can't believe how big she's getting!!  A feeling echoed by parent's all over the world and across time.  :)  


  1. of course she is beautiful everything you create is! Seriously those cheecks and eyes how can you stand not eating her up? I can't believe she is 4 months already. Where does the time go? Grace xoox

  2. of course she is beautiful everything you create is! Seriously those cheecks and eyes how can you stand not eating her up? I can't believe she is 4 months already. Where does the time go? Grace xoox

  3. Love watching this cutie pie grow up! Darling little Olive!

  4. This is truly your best creation, what a doll baby! I think she likes the camera.

  5. I love seeing pictures of sweet little Olive. What a happy baby.


  6. Yes Crystal, she is adorable beyond words. And growing so fast! Time does a weird speed up/slow down loop when your children are growing up. In the every day, things seem soooo slow, but when you turn around years have gone by. Enjoy the moments.

  7. Thank you everybody for all of your warm compliments. Olive is very flattered! We are so very lucky to have her in our lives. :)


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE reading everything you have to say. :) -Crystal