It only took me almost two weeks, but I finally took photos of my Brimfield loot! (Well I photographed them sometime last week, but I am finally posting about them...phew, I'm a real slacker!) :) For those of you who aren't familiar with Brimfield...it's a very large and prominent New England Antiques Fair. Buyers from all over the world attend to shop from vendors all over the East Coast. It's huge and almost anything can be found at the fabulous
Brimfield Antique Show.
I'd like to share some of my flea market shopping strategies with you in addition to showing you my loot! While I was sifting through hundreds of booths at Brimfield, I looked for items for three different reasons.
First, I looked for items to use in my creations. I'm always on the lookout for items my figures can hold. Old cupcake picks, floral picks, miniature doll house trinkets, etc. Also items they can stand on or sit on or hang from. And of course old crepe paper, buttons, beads, glitter, etc. that I can use to dress them. These things really add that vintage charm I love and gives my figures and sense of history...very important.
Secondly, I look for items to keep for myself. Of course! My house is filled with vintage treasures and I can't resist adding to my collections and also cycling things in and out. I go through phases too...right now I'm really into old crepe paper figures and wedding cake toppers.
Lastly, I look for items to sell on Etsy. This helps to offset the cost of the materials I buy to use in my crafts, that way I can add great vintage charm to my characters without having to jack up the price. The set of deer above are already on their way to their new owner. It's actually a little sad because I really liked those deer! I tend to buy things that I have knowledge of, that way I can tell if I'm getting a good price and can also give a good price (I feel the need to both get a good bargain and give a good bargain). Of course the things I have knowledge of are the things that I really like...so I'm always having to part with things I would rather keep once they're in my posession, but it's good therapy I think. I watch those shows on TV about hoarders and I know I have that hoarding gene! lol Luckily my hallways have yet to be covered in a sea of old newspapers and soda bottles.

As I mentioned before, photography is always a struggle with me. This time Magic was trying to help out. I don't know...she sort of gives the photo a nice burry, but surreal modern art feel...don't you think? lol

These guys were a great price! Eight dollars for the whole lot! It was my last eight dollars actually... Most of these animals are antique painted metal and are probably worth $20 each. The playful kitty and giraffe are my favorites. I collect animal figures so am keeping most of them for myself!

Two plushies...a mohair giraffe and a Japanese Dream Pets reindeer. The giraffe is staying with me while the deer (sniff sniff) will get a new home.

I have never seen as much Christmas at Brimfield before as I did this last trip! And my favorite Chrstimas vendor was cleaning out her garage and had lots of goodies on sale. I bought so many things that she even threw a bunch of extra things into my bag before I left. :)

Most of these will be incorporated into Christmas pieces for this year, but some will adorn my tree! :)

These old Santas have soft beards. Hmmm....

Some will stay and some will move on. Sigh.

Which one do you think I will keep??

Lots of vintage red based Christmas goodies, including a giant roll of candy striped crepe paper...many Christmas elves will be wearing skirts made from this soft and old paper.

I think I'm keeping the white reindeer and sleigh. The paper mache boot will hold a spun cotton Santa or elf. I love those red plastic santa's, but luckily I keep red down to a minimum within my Christmas displays.

LOVE these wonderful bisque and chalk bunnies! The gentleman who sold them to me was super nice and had lots of other sweet things that I bought. My favorite is the bisque duck holding a hollow egg on his back...just darling!

Some fabulous colorful pieces including a collapsing giraffe and ceramic deer (my Japanese deer collection grows at almost every antiquing trip).

I had to get these honeycomb pumpkins and acorns. The pilgrims will come in handy in November as well.

I have a very small collection of vintage Halloween items. You know how expensive these genuine collectibles are. But I couldn't pass up this hat. It's quite large and has crepe paper fringe around the bottom (LOVE crepe paper!!) and a faded glitter witch. It's poor condition made it afforable but it looks great displayed on my dining room table centerpiece...I'll show you later.

This funny Saint Patrick's Day egg was perfect. It has a spun cotton redhead at the top in a garden of vintage flowers. Little shamrocks on the side are daring!! I can't decide whether to take it apart and use the pieces for next Saint Patrick's Day or keep it as is...hmmm...decisions decisions.

Love this vintage play purse featuring Davey Crockett. It even has fringe on the flap!

This collection of wooden blocks was from a kooky vendor who gave them to me all for a buck. My future children will have a blast with them! I can see it already...toppling towers and juvenile architectural master pieces...

Lastly...this spun cotton Santa in pink is arguably my very favorite find of the day. He's pretty large and in Perfect condition. Soooo adorable he'll get a prime spot in my Christmas display. :)