This past Sunday Ben and I went yard saling! Why did Ben come with me you ask? Well...I can't tell you just yet...but I can say it's exciting!!
A few weeks ago I missed my big neighborhood wide garage sale...(sniff sniff). We had plans to go apple picking and while eating breakfast I looked out the window and saw the brightly colored signs....I didn't realize what day it was! Sigh... So to make up for it...we decided to traveled out to Southbridge on Sunday...which is near Brimfield. Well...Sunday turned out to be rather rainy...but we went anyway (if no one put out their things, at least we could wander through the many antique shops in Sturbridge). While most people didn't end up coming out...there were a number of churches that put on sales. And they were great! One church was a regular thrift store and was chock full mostly junk...but treasures too!
This is what I found:

Some great orange pleated trim for my Halloween characters and new tulle for my brides (thank goodness...I was running out!) I also picked up a quartet of quirky plastic jack-0-lanterns. These were probably made when I was a kid in the 80's. I collect all different faces and display them at Hallo-...well...right now!

A herd of injured reindeer found their way to "Mount Saint Crystal's Hospital"...I'll fix their broken antlers and legs and they'll be as good as new! Such happy little patients!

I can't get enough of these cheap milkglass goblets. They're great for displaying anything. I have them all over the house too. They hold our toothbrushes and soaps in the bathroom, sponges in the kitchen, plants in the living room, and cast off jewelry in the bedroom. And of course I couldn't pass up ornaments to add to my growing collection!

This large wooden sled I actually bought for it's contents...but after looking at it further, I might spruce it up for a nice centerpiece display. I'll paint it white, put a spun cotton Santa inside and load it with mini presents and toys! Also...in the foreground there is a cluster of fake plastic pinecones...kinda neat...but you'd think there was a shortage of natural pinecones or something. I can't imagine that making plastic pinecones would be easier than collecting them from the ground...

Trinkets to fill Santa's sleigh!

I spied these houses sticking out of a box at one of the churches and made a B-line for them! I almost never find these at garage sales and I'm shocked that no one picked them up earlier!

Someone handcrafted this very large bottle brush tree with old and new baubles. A little tacky though...I'm not a huge green and gold person. I'll spruce it up somehow.

Some shamrocks, vintage plastic fruit, holly, etc.

These skates are from the 1960's! I bought them from a sweet older couple who bought them way back then and hardly ever used them! They belonged to the husband but they fit me pretty good...just enough room for my big feet and a thick pair of socks. They kept them safe for all those years in their original box and they have the softest fabric inside printed with tiny blue snowflakes. I love them and almost can't wait for the ice to freeze in the Boston Commons!

Trinkets...including some little tiny glass dishes that are perfect to store tiny rhinestones and beads in.

For some reason I've been itching to own a cookie jar for the past few months. I've come across so many and they're either quite expensive, rather lame, or both. This fatty bunny was only $2 and looks great on the counter!! Now all I need are cookies and a name for this big guy...any suggestions?

This suitcase was an amazing find too! It was among dozens of used luggage at the church thrift store. A real diamond in the rough I think. It looks vintage...but it's condition is too pristine to be vintage!! I can't figure it out. It's thick, but soft tweed (I think that's what tweed is?) and has a zippered flap on the side...I've never seen one like that! It's amazing and I so look forward to using it!! :) And guess how much it was? $1! Eek!

This just might be my favorite find. I actually found itside a little metal cabinet...hidden away for me to find! It's a very old and clearly well used hand embroidered baby pillow case. With a bunny! It looks more indearing in person than in the photo and I need to craft a pillow to put inside...asap!
Thanks for joining me in this show and tell! Stay tuned and I'll reveal Ben's fabulous surprise!! :)