Remember this bag? Way back from
this post? This bag of old goodies I found on my birthday while sifting through the antique store? Well today I'm finally going to show you what's inside!

This is an amazing large bottle brush wreath...I couldn't believe how cheap it was! $5!! It still has dried greens attached to the top - something I've never seen before.

Lots of little goodies to by used in next year's creations.

This glass garland wasn't exactly a bargain, but those white globes against the green stole by heart and I had to have it!

Sweet little puppy...I couldn't leave her there in that dusty old store!

Very functional, but still cool. Ben complained that all of our kitchen utensils are rusty...well this enamel ladle shouldn't prompt any complaints!

I don't think I've ever showed you my Wade England collection before, but I've been collecting them since I was a kid. I already had all of these, but some were chipped and at only a few bucks for the set I couldn't pass up replacing my one armed Hey Diddle Diddle, Cat and the Fiddle for a two armed version. :)
A happy day indeed!
Hi Crystal, Oh wonderful finds, I also collect wade, isn't it wonderful. Thanks for sharing. I want to wish you and Ben a very Merry Christmas. Hugs, Terri
The dried greens on your bristle brush wreath that you are referring to is called lycopodium or erica moss, it is preserved in glycerin. I bought a case of it about 15 years ago and am still using it in my holiday sculptures. You can probably buy it at any florist wholesaler. Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas.
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