Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Easter Update Announcement!

When I took Winnie outside today for a short walk, the snow on the driveway was melting into puddles, the birds were extra chirpy, and the smell of spring was clearly in the air.  Here in the northeast, spring arrives taking the smallest steps it can.  First is the melt...often followed by a back-step of more snow.  Then the animals start showing up.  The bunnies are out more, the squirrels chase each other like crazy and birds who winter elsewhere start to arrive.  Then it's the tiny, short stems that start poking out of the ground, sometimes despite the snow.  After that spring really shows it's head, with the occasional t-shirt weather day, crocuses and daffodils blooming and robins all over the lawn and lots and lots of yard work to do.  I LOVE this time of year.  It's truly the best because while it arrives in the teeniest steps...it dashes away in a hurry in big leaps...disappearing like the white rabbit right into summer.  Sometimes the best things are the most fleeting.  But here to stay are the ways I like to celebrate this precious time of year...Easter goodies!!  With all the color and cheer that a long winter tries to keep away.  Can't wait to show you what's new!!

Blog readers get first dibs as usual and if you'd like to be notified about upcoming blog updates and special events, just sign up for my mailing list on the right side of my blog, or leave a comment with your email address.

New one-of-a-kind pieces will be available for purchase on:
Friday, March 1st - Here, the blog - 11:00 am EST

See you here on Friday! :)

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